What is the nature and scope of organizational psychology?

Organizational psychology deals with how effectively a person interacts in the workplace to increase the efficiency of work. In this article we will discuss how organizational psychology is helpful in better functioning of a firm.
The word Psychology comes from the Latin word, “Psychologia”. It is comprised of two words, PSYCHO and LOGY. The former refers to the mind and the latter, study. It thus means the study of the mind and how it works. It also means the usual way in which a particular person or a group thinks and reacts. As a discipline, having been applied to various human endeavors, Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and how it influences behavior.
It deals with the kind of mind that an individual has and that makes him think or behave in a particular way. It is also concerned with how the mind influences in a particular area of life. There are various fields of psychology in which it is applied to serve specific purposes, but in brief herein the organizational psychology is to be discussed and how it is helpful in the effective functioning state of a business and the accomplishment of business goals.
Organizational psychology is one of the widely known branches of psychology being also known as Industrial and Occupational psychology and Business psychology. The objective of organizational psychology is to improve the overall efficiency and the effectiveness of a business organization while applying the principles in the workplace. It is concerned with identifying leadership styles under which the subordinates work - it is very important factor to be observed for a business organization to grow and prosper. Thus, it suggests to uphold and tries to put forward the right leadership style that fits the situations and that influences and inspires the followers for the accomplishment of predetermined objectives. Organizational conflicts and psychological characteristics of the workplace are also to be observed through this branch of psychology so as to setup such activities that are helpful for better social interactions and communication within the organization and its functioning state. In this way, the services of a consultant or a psychologist who hail from the branch of organizational psychology are very much required in various business organizations at all times as they can contribute to a greater extent to the overall organizational system and development by conducting extensive research and suggesting various training and development programs in accordance with the organization’s hierarchical needs.
The prime objectives of a business organization are to run smoothly and successfully and survive perpetually while earning profits and staying solvent. It is also aimed at the total organizational development and competencies. These objectives can be accomplished by the services and the assistance of an organizational psychologist or a consultant whose role in the main is to improve and strengthen total organizational efficiencies, effectiveness, productivity and competencies while establishing better coordination amid employees.
It is through this branch of psychology, the need of various training and development programs are identified and implemented accordingly so that the employees can acquire the knowledge and improve their skills while maintaining positive attitude. Performance appraisal programs are setup that these may lead to the efficiency and effectives of the employees and the same time they may be helpful to determine the criteria by which the employees can be promoted and notified for their inefficiency. As a part of his activities, the psychologist assesses the potentials of the employees that they may eventually be in a position to take up more advance and challenging job assignments with reasonable compensations. Employee morale is an extremely important and necessary element of organizational development and success. Considering the factors affecting the employee morale, a psychologist suggests ideas and plans which may be beneficial to both organization as well as the employees.
It is appropriate to mention here that the total organizational competencies are based on the highly competent employees. Hence, the intent is to let the employees improve their performance and make them competent while allowing them to equip with their current job activities.
The organizational psychologist or the consultants are in high demands. The more are the expansions in terms of industrialization, the more will be up-and-coming avenues and job opportunities for them and so long as there is a business, the activities associated with the terms, efficiency, effectiveness and organizational competence and organizational development will continue to be carried out. Thus, in order that the business objectives may be accomplished and rich results in economic terms may be reaped on the basis of efficiency, effectiveness, organizational development and competence with effective communication and leadership style and good management practices, there is a need of organizational psychologist or a consultant at all times.
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